Registration Open

Destigmatizing Mental Health

DateBox EventDetailTime EventDetailLocation
Sep 11, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
The Hotel Concord
Concord, NH

Mental Health. It's time to have an open, 坦诚地讨论在医疗保健行业工作的意义及其对生活的影响, joy in work and patient care. We know stigma exists. We know people are suffering in silence. The time is now, let's talk. 加入皇冠app,参加这个面向卫生保健工作者和领导层的社区意识活动.

Registration Details


We'd like to hear from you. Contact us via email 提交一个你想让皇冠app的小组成员发言的问题.

Fees & Payment

This is a free event with limited seats. Registration is requested. 如果您注册后需要取消,请与皇冠app联系 via email or by calling (603) 230-7226. 



Hear from experts in the mental health arena, 医疗工作者可获得的支持,以及新罕布什尔一家医院如何开始解决耻辱问题.

Keynote Speaker

Jeremy Goverman, MDJeremy Goverman, MD, Mass General Hospital

Dr. 戈曼在普通外科、重症监护和整形外科方面获得了三重认证. 他也是一名训练有素的烧伤外科医生和美国烧伤协会(FABA)研究员. For more than 15 years, 他一直是马萨诸塞州总医院(MGH)萨姆纳·雷德斯通烧伤中心烧伤护理提供者多学科团队的一员, the Fraser Outpatient Burn Center, and the Shriners Burn Hospital in Boston. Dr. 州长是急性和重建烧伤奖学金主任和MGH伤口中心医学主任. In addition to being busy in his clinical practice, 他参与了几个烧伤和伤口相关的项目, 包括美国国立卫生研究院和国防部资助的基础科学和临床研究试验. Dr. Goverman has more than 100 publications, including research, book chapters, and other articles related to his work.

Dr. 戈曼于2024年初加入了解构耻辱运动. He has been in recovery for almost five years. Before that, 他在一家住宅康复机构呆了12周, 完成了与马萨诸塞州医师健康服务的3年合同, and continues to attend 12-step meetings, attend weekly therapy, and work with a sponsor.

“长期的康复,正如我所了解的,也不仅仅是药物和酒精. 它是关于如何以一种健康的方式生活,在一个不是一切都舒适的世界里. 它是关于学会处理生活中固有的不适.” ~ Dr. Jeremy Goverman

Panelist Speakers

Lisa Madden, Riverbend President and CEOLisa Madden, Riverbend总裁兼首席执行官,Concord医院行为健康副总裁

丽莎是一家拥有350名员工的心理和行为健康组织的执行负责人,该组织为新罕布什尔州的30个社区提供服务. 她还担任Concord Hospital的行为健康副总裁. In this dual role, 她支持在大康科德地区为那些患有精神疾病和成瘾的人提供全面的连续护理. Lisa与州政府的利益相关者和合作伙伴合作, substance abuse care, community behavioral health, law enforcement, 提高人们对心理健康的认识, secure funding and resources, and find solutions to common issues.


Elisabeth Moore, MD伊丽莎白·摩尔,医学博士,FACEP, CWO,急诊医师,北部国家医疗保健
Dr. 摩尔是北部国家医疗中心的一名急诊医生, 这是一个由四个医疗机构组成的医疗网络,服务于新罕布什尔州的Coös和格拉夫顿县. 她担任该网络的首席健康官,也是其医师咨询委员会和董事会的成员.
Dr. 摩尔毕业于佛蒙特大学医学院和缅因健康缅因医疗中心急诊医学住院医师. 

Molly Rossignol, MDMolly Rossignol, DO, FAAFP, FASAM,新罕布什尔州专业健康计划医疗主任

Dr. Rossignol是新英格兰大学骨科医学院的毕业生. 她在家庭医学和成瘾医学方面获得董事会认证,并在新罕布什尔州实践了20多年,之后于2021年成为新罕布什尔州专业健康计划的医学主任.

Dr. Rossignol是美国成瘾医学协会新英格兰北部分会的前任主席,多年来一直在NHAFP和新罕布什尔州医学协会理事会以及该州的几个教育和倡导委员会任职. 她的热情是全面地、不加评判地关心和倡导病人和同事. In her personal life, she enjoys long distance running, hiking, skiing, 以及任何可以和家人一起享受的户外活动.

Jenn Schirmer, LCMHCJenn Schirmer, LCMHC, Owner, Turning Point Counseling

Jennifer Schirmer是新罕布什尔州注册临床心理健康咨询师(LCMHC), a National Certified Counselor (NCC), and a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP). 她获得了重大事件压力管理(CCISM)认证。. 她曾于2004年至2013年担任联邦紧急事务管理局(FEMA)的危机咨询项目经理,并于2013年至2023年担任新罕布什尔州灾难行为健康协调员.

She has traveled throughout the country and New Hampshire, providing counseling and consultation services to federal, state, and local organizations, and individuals, families, and communities. 她的专业经验是心理健康咨询和应急管理的独特整合, resulting in a specialization in crisis management, trauma, informed care, and peer support. 她还擅长与公共服务和政府人员合作, healthcare organizations, first responders, and the military.

Panel Moderator

Beth Slepian, President & CEO Granite VNA

Beth Slepian, MBA, PT, President and CEO, Granite VNA

贝丝是新罕布什尔州最大的家庭健康和临终关怀组织的执行负责人. She is responsible for the organization's strategic plan, which focuses on caring for the community, quality, innovation, a talented workforce, and community partnerships. In addition to her leadership background, she has extensive advocacy experience, 与州和国家领导人合作,确保增加家庭护理需求的机会.

贝丝是一位专业活跃和敬业的领导者,她在国家, state, and local boards, 包括全国家庭护理和临终关怀协会, Home Care, Hospice and Palliative Care Alliance of New Hampshire, and Havenwood Heritage Heights, CATCH Neighborhood Housing. 她毕业于新英格兰学院和佛蒙特大学.


Valerie Ferland, MS,员工健康协调员,电话:(603)230-7226或 send an email

Schedule & Location


Date Time Location
1. Wed, September 11 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM The Hotel Concord

Location Details

  • The Hotel Concord
    11 South Main Street
    Concord, NH 03301

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